The Romanov Dynasty.

1. Mikhail I. Born 1596. Died 1645. Ruled 1613-1645.
2. Alexei I. Born 1629. Died 1676. Ruled 1645-1676.
3. Feodor III. Born 1661. Died 1682. Ruled 1676-1682.
4. Ivan V. Born 1666. Died 1696. Ruled 1682-1696. Known as Ivan the Ignorant.
5. Peter I (The Great). Born 1672. Died 1725. Ruled 1682-1725.
6. Catharine I. Born 1684. Died 1727. Ruled 1725-1727.
7. Peter II. Born 1715. Died 1730. Ruled 1727-1730.
8. Anna I. Born 1693. Died 1740. Ruled 1730-1740.
9. Ivan VI. Born 1740. Died 1764. Ruled 1740-1741. Ruled, at least in theory, for 404 days, as an infant.
10. Elizabeth I. Born 1709. Died 1762. Ruled 1741-1762.
11. Peter III. Born 1728. Died 1762. Ruled for six months in 1762.
12. Catharine II (The Great). Born 1729. Died 1796. Ruled 1762-1796.
13. Paul I. Born 1754. Died 1801. Ruled 1796-1801.
14. Alexander I. Born 1777. Died 1825. Ruled 1801-1825.
15. Nicholas I. Born 1796. Died 1855. Ruled 1825-1855.
16. Alexander II. Born 1818. Died 1881. Ruled 1855-1881.
17. Alexander III. Born 1845. Died 1894. Ruled 1881-1894.
18. Nicholas II. Born 1868. Died 1918. Ruled 1894-1917.

Below, the regent Sophia. Born 1757. Died 1804. Some sources that I have seen do not include her as a ruler. In any case she, did indeed rule from 1682 until 1689, jointly along with Ivan V and Peter I. I guess that they had three separate thrones.